On this page I'll provide any updates on the situation. The updates will be added at the top of this page and dated.
Click on the images to view a larger size. They will open in a new tab/window.
Click on the images to view a larger size. They will open in a new tab/window.
I would also urge everyone to report his note to Facebook as bullying and harassment.
Date: October 19, 2011
I'm starting to think I should change the name of this blog to "The Truth About Erin Button, Charlie Vogel and Candee Heard Faulkner". I'll get to that in a minute.
Mid September, I decided to take a break from Facebook, Skype and anything to do with computers. I did this to take some time for myself and Melissa's daughter so that we could mourn, make some good memories and have some time that wasn't wrapped up in drama. I didn't make it common knowledge that I was going to be away cause I didn't want my absence to be taken advantage of and a whole new slew of drama to be stirred up by some people.
The break was only supposed to be for a couple of weeks, but I really didn't want to come back after that time. So instead, it lasted four weeks and we didn't return until mid October. Time was spent in New York remembering Melissa, we made some new memories there too and then moved on to Connecticut to visit friends and up to see my folks for the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday.
I'm sharing all of this cause just when I thought my time away went smoothly without any drama being stirred up, I find out it didn't.
Again I'm being accused of things I haven't done by Candee Heard Faulkner. All she, Erin and their cronies ever do is make accusations and they never have any proof. There's never any proof cause their accusations are lies and false.
This time Candee Heard Faulkner was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Or in this case jars. She's been exposed for the person she is by someone and she's blaming it on me. Sorry to disappoint you Candee Heard Faulkner, but I wasn't around, I was away from a computer for weeks. I don't have any way to get into the accounts where the information came from regardless.
This is the message that I was sent in Facebook. The links that I have blacked out have to do with Erin and also the bull that Candee Heard Faulkner has been spreading about me behind my back. They're blacked out for now cause I don't want to deal with looking over the information before I make it accessible to everyone. I'm not trying to hide anything, I'll share it at some point, I just want to see what this person thought I should see, first.
These are the links in the message:
- http://www.candeesplaytimesessions.com
- http://bancastleagecheaters.vpsq.net/
- https://picasaweb.google.com/111414813317649068893/CandeeSBackstabbing?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCJSOtfmhkJHPQQ&feat=directlink
Honestly, is it really that hard to believe that Candee Heard Faulkner has other people that have issues with her? She screws over people she calls her friends, cheats and has "intimate encounters" online with at least sixteen different men. Sounds like she gives people plenty of opportunities to find issues with her.
I would venture a guess to say that it's hard to deny most of this as lies. Especially the stuff that exposed her Skype conversations with men. Can't deny something when you get naked in front of a web cam. It would be pretty obvious to the men that it wasn't her if it was a lie. And since Candee Heard Faulkner is accusing me of exposing this, is she also accusing me of getting in front of the web cam instead of her?
So Candee Heard Faulkner, want to accuse me of exposing your secrets? Then expose them I will by sharing the links I was sent. I'm sick of being the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong in your life.
I don't feel like dealing with any of this right now, but I'm not going to sit back and let someone spread lies about me without saying something. It's been the same bull with Candee Heard Faulkner since Melissa died. Every month she stirs up some bull to cause drama and to make things difficult. The only time I escaped it was at the end of September, when I had walked away from Facebook and computers for four weeks. That was the first time I was allowed to mourn my girl properly and in peace without Candee Heard Faulkner interfering. Then I came back to this bull.
The only time Candee Heard Faulkner's Facebook account was accessed was shortly after Mel died. And the reason it was accessed is cause her information was on a piece of paper at Mel's house. We didn't know what account that information was for and we sure didn't know that it belonged to Candee Heard Faulkner. With what Mel had been put through it was important that we get her affairs in order quickly to protect her from the people that were bullying her, so one of Mel's friends helped me do that. So yes, Candee Heard Faulkner's account was accessed AND I even TOLD her it was and by who. It was never a secret from her. Since that ONE TIME, nobody I know has accessed her account again. I would venture a guess that after I told her that her account was accessed she changed her password, so the information we HAD on her wouldn't work even if we tried.
So, Candee Heard Faulkner, you can cut the crap of me hacking into your accounts and all the other bull you've been spreading about me.
One of the biggest reasons I had such a problem with Candee Heard Faulkner shortly after Melissa died is cause something was found in Candee Heard Faulkner's Facebook account the one time it was accessed. With all that had gone on with Mel being bullied when she was alive and then the memorial monster in Castle Age when she died, the person who got into her account with her password decided to check her out and make sure she was a true friend to Melissa when it was found out that it wasn't Melissa's account. What was shared with me showed Candee Heard Faulkner screwing over Melissa the day Melissa went into premature labour and delivered her daughter. While Melissa's daughter was on oxygen and fighting in the NICU, Candee Heard Faulkner was trying to "honour" Charlie Vogel by writing a message where she denied all the bull that Charlie and Erin were doing the night before with their threats against Mel and the people she played Castle Age with. See their threats on the "Charlie & Erin Attack" page. When this information was shared with me, it really pissed me off. She was screwing Melissa over by preparing to spread lies about what had happened, when her "best friend" was going through a difficult time with her newborn child.
Here's what Candee Heard Faulkner was doing while her "best friend's" baby was struggling in NICU and Melissa was concerned about her daughter's health (February 23 and 24).
Candee Heard Faulkner, you keep on saying you're not talking crap about me or spreading lies, but blaming me for the exposure of your secrets is just another example. And cause of whoever this person is that's exposed you for who you are, I've got the proof of all the crap you've been spreading behind my back. I'm not going to deal with this now, cause this time I'm not letting you get to me and cause drama shortly before the anniversary of Mel's death. I'm not letting you make this any harder for me than it already is. This doesn't mean I'm not going to put the proof up here for everyone to see, I'm just not going to do it now.
I apologize to anyone reading this if this update seems to be all over the place. I'm sick of what this woman is always accusing me of doing and what her accusations are doing to my family. I'm sick of mine and Melissa's reputation being tarnished cause lies are being spread about us to anyone who gives Candee Heard Faulkner their ear. None of what she says can be proved, cause it's all untrue and lies. Or if she does provide anything as proof, it's only parts of what was said instead of the entire conversation, the part that serves her purpose.
Candee Heard Faulkner, since you can never seem to get the date your friend died correct, Melissa died on April 29. Not on April 30, May 1, May 2 or even May 3.
And since Candee Heard Faulkner likes to create more drama to get more attention, Melissa did not finalize her will the day she died. Having people ask me about that when Mel died really pissed me off too. Why someone would spread crap at a time like that is beyond me, but now that I've become quite familiar with Candee Heard Faulkner's need for attention, it makes perfect sense. More drama means more attention, it doesn't matter who's expense it's at.
So Candee Heard Faulkner, go enjoy the rekindled friendship you have with Erin, one of the people who put your "best friend" through hell for months. It wasn't me that was responsible for the bullying and harassment that Mel was put through, another one of your lies and accusations, it was exactly who Mel thought it was and said it was all along. Maybe you can forget about what these people did to Melissa, maybe you never cared. Whatever your motives for accusing me of hurting the woman I love, I don't care. You're no better than either of them in my eyes anymore with what you've done.
There will be more to come, but when I'm good and ready to deal with this again. With it getting close to the six month anniversary that I lost the woman that I love, I'm not going to let anyone keep me from mourning my girl and dealing with her loss again. I need this and so does her daughter, cause what affects me has an effect on her too.
Date: August 31, 2011 (Update 2)
Richard Campbell defamed Melissa's character and mine in the comment that he posted in this blog on my post of August 22 on the "Home" page and in the public note that he refuses to delete from his profile. I had to delete his comments here cause of the defamation of character.
He later deleted Melissa as a friend on Facebook and at that time, cause of his actions and the defamation of Melissa's character I blocked his Facebook account on her profile. He later went into the Castle Age forum and posted that he was a friend of Melissa's and that he was unhappy about what he calls the "dessecration" of her Castle Age account. Even after I had explained the situation to him in a reply to his comment on this blog. He was told in the forum that he should contact Facebook about having Melissa's page memorialized.
I posted this to the info section of Melissa's profile. It explains how Richard has succeeded in robbing a child of memories of her mother that she only knew for the first month of her life.
I am Matt, Melissa's partner and her daughter's guardian.
If you are wondering why you were removed as a friend, it's cause i'm being subjected to bullying from Richard Campbell (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1316606767). His intention is to have Melissa's account shutdown or memorialized.
Those who were her friend know that she was bullied for months before she died by people on Facebook. I had to restrict access to her wall to make sure that no malicious comments were posted. She has a baby daughter that I was hoping would one day be able to access her mother's profile and see what her mother wrote, the things people said to her and later what they said about her when she died. I also wanted her daughter to be able to see the e-mail messages that were sent by people to Melissa's account when they found out she had died and all of the comments that had been posted on the baby pictures Melissa had shared with friends. There were many comments from friends on the pictures but more important were the comments from Melissa.
When a Facebook account is memorialized, the account can't be accessed any longer and it opens the wall to the friends of that person so that they can post comments. Since Melissa didn't know who the person was who was passing her private information to her bullies, that means that I don't know either. So, to protect her wall and to try and protect the account for her daughter, I was forced to remove all of Melissa's friends. To protect Melissa's daughter if there were ever a problem with future security setting changes, I was forced to delete all the photos. To try and preserve memories for Melissa's daughter, I was forced to forward any messages to my Facebook account.
Richard Campbell claims that he is a friend of Melissa's, but the reason he was blocked from seeing her profile was due to the defamation of Melissa's character and mine in a note that he has posted publicly on his wall. I have told him that his unsubstantiated comments about both of us are untrue, yet he refuses to delete the note. I have reported the note as bullying to Facebook and I suggest that you do the same.
Richard Campbell has succeeded in robbing a six month old child of a possible avenue to try and connect with her mother in the future, the mother she only knew for the first month of her life.
The post in the castle age forum where Richard Campbell went and discussed this is here http://www.castleageforums.com/cforum/showthread.php?t=57264
Now, the bullies are further affecting the life of a six month old child by robbing her of precious memories. How sick is that?
Date: August 31, 2011 (Update 1)
Later today, I will be providing an update on the situation that involves Richard Campbell, his post in the Castle Age forum and the reasons why I had to remove all of Melissa's friends from her Facebook profile. I will also explain how Richard's bullying actions toward me will also affect Melissa's daughter and her future ability to connect with the mother she only knew for a little more than a month.
The Castle Age forum post is here: http://www.castleageforums.com/cforum/showthread.php?t=57264
*NOTE: Richard Campbell is a friend and supporter of Erin's.
*NOTE: Richard Campbell is a friend and supporter of Erin's.
Date: August 30, 2011
I have removed the comments entered by FuelsGold (aka Richard Campbell) as they are a defamation of my character and of the character of Melissa Lafleur. I have proven the defamation by addressing the lies and false claims that he has made toward me and I can do the same regarding the claims he has made about Melissa.
He also published to his wall on Facebook a note he created that seems to be a duplicate of the comment he wrote on a page in this blog, even after I have clearly proven that what he has said is either completely false or inaccurate.
The subsequent comments that he posted only served to show that he has no intention of looking for the truth in this matter or discuss what I have posted in this blog, but that he only wishes to defame my name as well as Melissa's and cause unnecessary grief.
In light of FuelsGold's actions, all future comments made on this blog will need to be approved by an administrator once they are submitted and before they will be published and viewable to everyone.
This is a picture of the message I have sent Richard Campbell in Facebook to have the note deleted and his replies.
I have removed the comments entered by FuelsGold (aka Richard Campbell) as they are a defamation of my character and of the character of Melissa Lafleur. I have proven the defamation by addressing the lies and false claims that he has made toward me and I can do the same regarding the claims he has made about Melissa.
He also published to his wall on Facebook a note he created that seems to be a duplicate of the comment he wrote on a page in this blog, even after I have clearly proven that what he has said is either completely false or inaccurate.
The subsequent comments that he posted only served to show that he has no intention of looking for the truth in this matter or discuss what I have posted in this blog, but that he only wishes to defame my name as well as Melissa's and cause unnecessary grief.
In light of FuelsGold's actions, all future comments made on this blog will need to be approved by an administrator once they are submitted and before they will be published and viewable to everyone.
This is a picture of the message I have sent Richard Campbell in Facebook to have the note deleted and his replies.
I would also urge everyone to report his note to Facebook as bullying and harassment.
Date: August 28, 2011
This is for FuelsGold to address his saying that I lied about not being able to do a search and bring up the public forum that Erin posted in.
Here's the proof of a search on ironerinbutterfly@yahoo.com and the returned results. You'll see the public forum is the first result returned.
Date: August 26, 2011
I created an event on Facebook. Join the event, invite your friends and get the word out that bullying will not be tolerated.
Stop Bullying Now. Stand Up. Speak Out.
Date: August 23, 2011
I want to say a little more on the Erin and Candee Heard Faulkner situation that I'm having right now.
This is from the first post I made in here on August 22.
Since then, I've had to deal with back stabbing, lies being spread and talking behind my back from Candee Heard Faulkner, after she professed all over Facebook that she was "Melissa's best friend". When I confronted her about the differences between her actions to my face and her actions behind my back, things went downhill. I admit that I said some things I'm not proud of, but when you're trying to deal with the loss of someone you love, trying to pick up the pieces of your life and trying to make a life for a child, all while time and time again you turn around and have to deal with bullsh*t from someone who says they cared about the person you lost, makes it hard to keep your cool.
I do not know for certain who is responsible for the messages and threats that I have received in Facebook. To protect Melissa's daughter, I've had to move cause the threats talked about coming to my home to beat me up. I've been accused of abusing Melissa and having something to do with her car wreck. If I was that guy, the abuser, there is no way in h*ll that Melissa would have left her daughter in my care. Anybody with any sense would know this. I loved Melissa and would trade my life for hers if that would bring her back.
What I didn't say then is that both Erin and Candee Heard Faulkner are saying that I'm the one who bullied, harassed and tormented Melissa all that time, not Erin. Tell me how that's even possible. You see what Erin says, what she does, the threats, all of it is there for you to see. So, all of you that added Candee Heard Faulkner as a friend after Melissa died, she was never a real friend to Melissa.
Melissa may have been too trusting with some of the people she kept as friends on Facebook and where she lived, but she wasn't stupid. And those two spreading lies and saying that I abused, harassed, bullied, tormented and had something to do with my girl's death is pathetic and a sorry attempt to place the blame on someone other than the real people responsible.
Candee Heard Faulkner: http://www.facebook.com/ContessaCandee
Date: August 22, 2011
You've read Melissa's words on the "Melissa Speaks Up" page. The comments there give you some idea of what has transpired since Melissa's death. Let me start from the memorial monster.
Melissa made many friends in the Castle Age community on Facebook. When she died, her friends on Facebook called up a monster for people to fight, a memorial monster. I started playing Castle Age that day so that I could watch the chat in the monster and see what people said.
At one point I saw Erin's name come up in the Attack Log. I didn't know the correct terminology for anything back then, but I do now as I have played the game since that day. Her name was in the Attack Log because she came in and assisted on the monster to launch one of the weapons. When a weapon is launched, the successful launch appears in the Attack Log and the Status Log. So what I said I saw and was accused of lying about did happen.
Now that you have read what Erin and Charlie did to my girl over the months, I hope you can understand why both me and Macy were upset to see Erin having any part in a memorial for Melissa. Then the guy who tried to mediate the conflict between Melissa and Erin, Duane Klaus, finally admitted that he told Erin that it would be alright if she assisted, he didn't see anything wrong with it. Erin bullied Melissa for months, sent her nasty messages, threatened the group they were a part of, but he saw nothing wrong with her doing a "silent assist". Macy summed it up, Erin participating in the memorial battle was like the bully showing up at the funeral. Having Jennifer and David Jelinek there too, after they'd kicked Melissa from their friend list and after they'd both attacked Melissa for different reasons, left a bad taste in my mouth. All three of those people should have stayed far away from somewhere they didn't belong.
Since then, I've had to deal with back stabbing, lies being spread and talking behind my back from Candee Heard Faulkner, after she professed all over Facebook that she was "Melissa's best friend". When I confronted her about the differences between her actions to my face and her actions behind my back, things went downhill. I admit that I said some things I'm not proud of, but when you're trying to deal with the loss of someone you love, trying to pick up the pieces of your life and trying to make a life for a child, all while time and time again you turn around and have to deal with bullsh*t from someone who says they cared about the person you lost, makes it hard to keep your cool.
I do not know for certain who is responsible for the messages and threats that I have received in Facebook. To protect Melissa's daughter, I've had to move cause the threats talked about coming to my home to beat me up. I've been accused of abusing Melissa and having something to do with her car wreck. If I was that guy, the abuser, there is no way in h*ll that Melissa would have left her daughter in my care. Anybody with any sense would know this. I loved Melissa and would trade my life for hers if that would bring her back.
These are the messages I was sent. The threats were reported to Facebook and the police. Notice how one of them has the same last name as one of Erin's other accounts, Jennifer Juniper?
Recently I found out that Erin and Candee Heard Faulkner are now back to being best friends again. I've been told that they are teaming up to bully me. Both recently took the profile picture that I put up about stopping bullying and posted it on their walls on Facebook.
I joined a Dawn of the Dragons group and guild in the past month or so. About a week after I joined up with them, I found Erin in a raid that I had been fighting with my guild. She wasn't in my guild, but she was in the larger group that encompassed several guilds. I left the guild and group that night. I really liked the people there, but I didn't want to have anything to do with a group which Erin and Charlie belonged. After talking with the creator of the group, I was convinced to join them again and that I'd have little to no interaction with Erin.
Eventually, I was added to the Skype chat rooms that had been created for the group. Shortly after I was added, Erin left the Skype rooms. It was sometime after she left that threats were issued to the guild master of my guild who is also the creator of the group which holds all the LightBringers guilds. Erin is the guild master for her guild, known as G4, which is now splitting away from the group cause of their threats. Charlie then started attacking my character in Castle Age with his Matt Hadder account.
The attacks on my Castle Age account from Matt Hadder on August 13.
The address in the box shows you the Castle Age keep link associated with Matt Hadder account.
Second round of attacks on August 13.
Third set of attacks initiated on August 14.
Fourth set of attacks initiated on August 16.
Because Erin had a problem with me being in the same group and cause she couldn't leave quietly or talk to someone about me not being welcome into the group, she's managed to start the same bullsh*t she did with my girl. Doesn't it sound familiar? Threats of going after the group and Charlie attacking in Castle Age.
So Erin went after people before my girl, she went after my girl and now she's after me. Either we stop Erin and Charlie now or they move onto their next target after me. It's your call.
Here are their accounts:
You've read Melissa's words on the "Melissa Speaks Up" page. The comments there give you some idea of what has transpired since Melissa's death. Let me start from the memorial monster.
Melissa made many friends in the Castle Age community on Facebook. When she died, her friends on Facebook called up a monster for people to fight, a memorial monster. I started playing Castle Age that day so that I could watch the chat in the monster and see what people said.
At one point I saw Erin's name come up in the Attack Log. I didn't know the correct terminology for anything back then, but I do now as I have played the game since that day. Her name was in the Attack Log because she came in and assisted on the monster to launch one of the weapons. When a weapon is launched, the successful launch appears in the Attack Log and the Status Log. So what I said I saw and was accused of lying about did happen.
Now that you have read what Erin and Charlie did to my girl over the months, I hope you can understand why both me and Macy were upset to see Erin having any part in a memorial for Melissa. Then the guy who tried to mediate the conflict between Melissa and Erin, Duane Klaus, finally admitted that he told Erin that it would be alright if she assisted, he didn't see anything wrong with it. Erin bullied Melissa for months, sent her nasty messages, threatened the group they were a part of, but he saw nothing wrong with her doing a "silent assist". Macy summed it up, Erin participating in the memorial battle was like the bully showing up at the funeral. Having Jennifer and David Jelinek there too, after they'd kicked Melissa from their friend list and after they'd both attacked Melissa for different reasons, left a bad taste in my mouth. All three of those people should have stayed far away from somewhere they didn't belong.
Since then, I've had to deal with back stabbing, lies being spread and talking behind my back from Candee Heard Faulkner, after she professed all over Facebook that she was "Melissa's best friend". When I confronted her about the differences between her actions to my face and her actions behind my back, things went downhill. I admit that I said some things I'm not proud of, but when you're trying to deal with the loss of someone you love, trying to pick up the pieces of your life and trying to make a life for a child, all while time and time again you turn around and have to deal with bullsh*t from someone who says they cared about the person you lost, makes it hard to keep your cool.
I do not know for certain who is responsible for the messages and threats that I have received in Facebook. To protect Melissa's daughter, I've had to move cause the threats talked about coming to my home to beat me up. I've been accused of abusing Melissa and having something to do with her car wreck. If I was that guy, the abuser, there is no way in h*ll that Melissa would have left her daughter in my care. Anybody with any sense would know this. I loved Melissa and would trade my life for hers if that would bring her back.
These are the messages I was sent. The threats were reported to Facebook and the police. Notice how one of them has the same last name as one of Erin's other accounts, Jennifer Juniper?
Recently I found out that Erin and Candee Heard Faulkner are now back to being best friends again. I've been told that they are teaming up to bully me. Both recently took the profile picture that I put up about stopping bullying and posted it on their walls on Facebook.
I joined a Dawn of the Dragons group and guild in the past month or so. About a week after I joined up with them, I found Erin in a raid that I had been fighting with my guild. She wasn't in my guild, but she was in the larger group that encompassed several guilds. I left the guild and group that night. I really liked the people there, but I didn't want to have anything to do with a group which Erin and Charlie belonged. After talking with the creator of the group, I was convinced to join them again and that I'd have little to no interaction with Erin.
Eventually, I was added to the Skype chat rooms that had been created for the group. Shortly after I was added, Erin left the Skype rooms. It was sometime after she left that threats were issued to the guild master of my guild who is also the creator of the group which holds all the LightBringers guilds. Erin is the guild master for her guild, known as G4, which is now splitting away from the group cause of their threats. Charlie then started attacking my character in Castle Age with his Matt Hadder account.
The attacks on my Castle Age account from Matt Hadder on August 13.
The address in the box shows you the Castle Age keep link associated with Matt Hadder account.
Second round of attacks on August 13.
Third set of attacks initiated on August 14.
Fourth set of attacks initiated on August 16.
Because Erin had a problem with me being in the same group and cause she couldn't leave quietly or talk to someone about me not being welcome into the group, she's managed to start the same bullsh*t she did with my girl. Doesn't it sound familiar? Threats of going after the group and Charlie attacking in Castle Age.
So Erin went after people before my girl, she went after my girl and now she's after me. Either we stop Erin and Charlie now or they move onto their next target after me. It's your call.
Here are their accounts:
Erin Button: http://www.facebook.com/ironerinbutterfly
Erin MostEvil: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001089393248
Jennifer Juniper: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000560862801
Charlie Vogel: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=684688083
Bartoc: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000309564878
Madd Hadder: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1609841636
Matt Hadder: http://www.facebook.com/Madd.Hadder
Erin MostEvil: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001089393248
Jennifer Juniper: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000560862801
Charlie Vogel: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=684688083
Bartoc: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000309564878
Madd Hadder: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1609841636
Matt Hadder: http://www.facebook.com/Madd.Hadder
Report Erin Button, Erin MostEvil, Charlie Vogel, Bartoc, Madd Hadder and Matt Hadder to Castle Age.
Report Erin Button and Jennifer Juniper to Dawn of the Dragons.
Report all of them to Facebook.
Report Erin Button and Jennifer Juniper to Dawn of the Dragons.
Report all of them to Facebook.
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